Analyst coverage

List of analysts from companies such as securities companies or research institutions that make recommendations, comments, etc., on the financial results of Mitsubishi Shokuhin.

Company Name


Marusan Securities Co., Ltd.


Hidekazu Miyahara


Mito Securities Co., Ltd.


Yuka Yanagiha

This list includes persons who we have confirmed have issued reports about us. Therefore, please note that this list is not exhaustive, may not fully reflect staff transfer of analysts and other changes, and does not indicate we endorse the listed analysts.

This list is for the sole purpose of analyzing the Mitsubishi Shokuhin’s financial results, etc., and presenting information on analysts who are making projections and their affiliated institutions to investors. It does not solicit or recommend the purchase or sale of the company’s shares.

Analysts use their own judgment to analyze our performance, business, etc., and to predict future performance. Mitsubishi Shokuhin and its management are not involved in any of these processes. We also do not support nor guarantee the integrity of these analysts’ predictions, opinions or recommendations.

Investors are responsible for making their own investment decisions.