Using digital technology (promoting digital transformation)

Mitsubishi Shokuhin’s digital strategy

In the Medium-term Management Plan 2023 formulated in FY2021, we are making efforts with a digital strategy aimed at business streamlining and demand creation.

Medium-term Management Plan 2023 Digital Strategy

Medium-term Management Plan 2023 Digital Strategy

We are promoting our initiatives using digital technology as a digital project.
We started the digital project in FY2021, launched new businesses in FY2022, and plan to establish these newly launched businesses in FY 2023, which is the last fiscal year of the Medium-term Management Plan 2023.
We also define the human resources that participate in the digital project as digital human resources. For digital human resources, we implement off-the-job training to acquire digital skills in addition to on-the-job training through participation in the digital project.
We aim to train 1,000 employees as digital human resources in the 3-year period from FY2021 to FY2023.

7 digital transformation areas

7 digital transformation areas

Currently, there are seven themes in the digital transformation areas that we are promoting.
We are promoting the activities of the digital project based on these seven themes.

  • 1Work style reform of each division within the company

    Enhancing remote work and communication infrastructure, etc.

  • 2Promotion of paperless and automation

    Automation through accounting reconciliation utilizing RPA and AI, and dematerialization utilizing OCR and work flow, etc.

  • 3Sales operation reform

    Digitalization of operational processes utilizing automation tools, sales operation reform based primarily on systemization

  • 4Demand forecasting utilizing data

    Short-term demand forecasting (applied to manufacturers' orders to improve efficiency) and mid-to-long term trend forecasting

  • 5Creation of new added value through data and digital marketing

    Creating new added value in the food business utilizing digital technology

  • 6Digitalization of logistics network

    Vehicle matching utilizing digital technology, and business streamlining promotion and creation of new added value utilizing logistics related big data, etc.

  • 7Platforming, making it open source

    Improving efficiency throughout the industry and building infrastructure

We will continue to strengthen digital transformation to deliver better food to your table as a company that supports the diet of people in Japan.